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High Resolution, High Speed and Low Cost: Camera Link, CoaXPress, USB3 Vision or GigE Vision on 10GigE?
Interfaces are a crucial part of every vision system and ensure the correct and fast data transfer. We often get asked how to choose the best vision interface for specific application needs. Download our whitepaper to get this question answered

What to expect in this Whitepaper

Automation, traffic monitoring and research applications are demanding ever increasing accuracy and image processing speeds from industrial cameras. This means that the cameras must offer higher resolution and/or higher frame rates to service them. Recent progresses in CMOS technology from various image sensor manufacturers have provided solutions to this need however, both camera manufacturers and users are now confronted with a new problem: How can the resulting data rates be transmitted and processed in a timely manner without having to compress or reduce the data volume being transferred?

Download our whitepaper to this question answered!

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